We all have some amazing talent. After watching most of the prototype presentations (I missed b&b and cozy, but I am sure they were amazing too), I realized how amazing all of our talents are. We are the elite. Wow this is elitist. But seriously. We pretty much rock. This is the first time I have been in a design class where everyone in the class wants to be a designer of some sort, and you can totally tell by the quality of the work. I am sure the publishing class didn't know what hit them. I don't know how I would have chosen between some of the designs I saw last Thursday. I'm sure it was difficult.
Another thing I would like to address but can't come up with a decent segway...
Getting all of those evaluations back was really helpful! I never knew what other designers thought of my work and now I know what I should work on. It came just in time for me to send an internship package off to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel too, so I did a double-take before putting together a portfolio. Even though my portfolio is currently more newspaper than magazine, I got some really helpful comments. Thanks guys!
"Elitest"... you're so right :)